Jefferson-Morgan School District

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JM eLearning Academy Cyber School

About the JM eLearning Academy Cyber Program

The purpose of the JM eLearning Academy Cyber Program is to offer students an alternate route to achieving the education they need to prepare for life in the 21st century. It provides students with opportunities they may not have had previously through their public education experience. Jefferson-Morgan is proud to meet the needs and wants of students and their parents in the same quality academic environment with which our stakeholders have become accustomed to.

The Jefferson-Morgan School District is proud to offer various new offerings through our provider, Imagine Edgenuity, combined with the traditional offerings of past years that will enrich learning and provide new and different course offerings . The quality of education with which you are accustomed to remains as high as ever, but the courses are presented in a different way. No matter which program our students choose to enroll in, at our brick and mortar school or in our cyber school option, successful completion will result in a Jefferson-Morgan diploma. We are proud to meet the requests of Jefferson-Morgan families using an environment that combines quality academics with technological advancement.

Follow this link if you would like to preview available courses and course descriptions offered through our provider, Imagine Edgenuity. Link to Course Catalog

If you would like more information, please contact Brandon Robinson at [email protected] to set up a meeting to discuss this program for your child(ren).

Cyber Program Overview: Grades K-6

Our cyber students use the same approved curriculum that students would use in traditional classes.  A team of dedicated teachers and staff, from our provider: Edgenuity, will support your child to succeed. Unlike some other virtual schools, our teachers and administration are available to meet with you face to face to provide help, directions, and encouragement. They are also only an email message or a phone call away.

Advantages of using Jefferson-Morgan’s Cyber Program include:

Full-time K-6 cyber students are eligible to participate in activities and assemblies held at the respective buildings at various times during the year. Activities may include assemblies, field days, career days, etc.

Students can renter traditional school at any time if their cyber schooling doesn’t work for them

Students taking one or more cyber courses classes can work at school or at home

Help is available via email, telephone, web-conference, or in-person at our schools or off-campus


To complete an application and register for the JM eLearning Academy Cyber Program for the 2024-2025 school year, click here.

Cyber Program Overview: Grades 7 - 12

Students in grades 7-12 may have different reasons to enroll in a cyber-course at Jefferson-Morgan. These reasons may include but not be limited to: 


    Full-time placement as a cyber-student

    Part-time placement in a hybrid schedule (a mixture of traditional and cyber offerings)

    CTC/technical students

    Remediation opportunities

    Enrichment opportunities

    Credit recovery

    Alternative education situations


Students in our cyber program for grades 7-12 are eligible for all athletics and activities at Jefferson-Morgan. 


To complete an application and register for the JM eLearning Academy Cyber Program for the 2024-2025 school year, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can my child switch from traditional classes to cyber classes during the school year or vice-versa?

Yes! Since the cyber classes and traditional classes both follow the Jefferson-Morgan approved curriculum so transitioning can be quite easy for students. We ask that students try to only switchback at the end of a quarter. Special Circumstances may be permitted by the building principal. 


Can my child complete all of their classes at home?

The vast majority of classwork can be completed at home if your family chooses that option. As a JM student in our program, students are permitted to schedule time to come into the building to receive help.  


How do I transfer from a private or charter school?

Families can register their child with our district office. Mrs. McCombs can be reached at 724-833-2310, ext. 1242 or via email at [email protected] . Once the student is registered with the school district a guidance counselor or principal will work with you and our cyber teachers to place the student in the appropriate courses. Completing the online cyber school application will help to expedite the process.


How can my child receive help while they are working on a cyber-course?

Much of the classwork allows students to retry work if they have not mastered a skill. They can ask questions to our cyber teachers, send emails for help, or log-on to an online help area to chat live with their teacher.


Is there a cost to attend the Jefferson-Morgan eLearning academy?

No. As a public school, Jefferson-Morgan students can attend cyber classes at no cost to the family.


Is my child eligible to enroll in the JM Cyber Service? What grade levels are available?

Any student in grades K-12 living in the boundaries of the Jefferson-Morgan School District can apply. If your child has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP or GIEP), a team meeting must be held prior to enrollment.


Will there be opportunities for social activities for my child in the JM eLearning Academy Service?

 Since all cyber students are enrolled in the Jefferson-Morgan School District, they have the ability to join any clubs or activities offered in our schools.


How will my child's progress be monitored?

A student’s progress is monitored on a weekly basis. Parents receive accounts or emails that show a visual report of your child’s progress and students can access real-time progress reports by using our Parent Portal. Students are able to view their progress each time they log-in to the system.


Will my child receive a diploma? Is there a graduation ceremony?

Students who participate in the JM eLearning Academy Cyber program will be eligible to receive a Jefferson-Morgan High School diploma and are eligible to participate in graduation ceremonies with all graduating Jefferson-Morgan students. Students are also able to request transcripts through the guidance office as needed to support college and work endeavors.


Can my child participate in Vo-Tech while attending Jefferson-Morgan Cyber?

We encourage students to pick the path that best fits their learning needs. Vocational - Technical students who wish to enroll in the Jefferson-Morgan eLearning Cyber may participate in either cyber or traditional courses when they return to campus from the Greene County CTC each day.