Athletics Ethics and Eligibility
Ethics and Eligibility
Director of Athletics –Bruce Ellsworth, [email protected]
Athletics should foster clean sports. It in the privilege and duty of every person connected with athletics to exemplify high standards in his/her own actions and advocate them in others. This includes, the coaches, players, fans, administrators, and officials. Some guidelines that are expected at Jefferson-Morgan include the following:
Jefferson-Morgan’s interscholastic athletic program is conducted in accordance with the existing
Board of Education policies, rules, and regulations. It is also governed by the rules of the
Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association. The following eligibility rules
highlight and summarize the major requirements that must be met to participate in
athletics. It does not list every rule and regulation in detail. The Principal of your school
is responsible for certifying the eligibility of all students representing your school in
interscholastic athletics. Questions of rules not addressed here should be directed to the
building Principal or Athletic Director.
A pupil shall be ineligible for interscholastic athletic competition upon reaching the age
of nineteen years unless the age of 19 is attained on or after July 1. In such instances, the
pupil is eligible, age wise, to compete that school year. (15 years of age for competition
in grades 7 and 8).
You must be regularly enrolled in your school and in full-time attendance. If you are absent from school during a semester for a total of 20 or more school days, you will lose eligibility until you have been in attendance for a total of 45 school days following your 20th day of absence.
You are eligible to participate in athletics only if an approved parent/guardian form (JMHS Physical Packet) to your participation in the particular sport involved is on file. In addition to
this consent form you are eligible to participate only if you have had a physical examination by a licensed physician or other PIAA approved licensees before you begin practice for your sports season. Each parent is advised there is an inherent risk of injury in every sport in which an athlete participates.
A student can participate in PIAA sponsored sports unless they have insurance and the insurance form is filled out in its entirety in the physical packet.
In order to be eligible to participate in an interscholastic athletic contest, a pupil must be
an amateur in the sport involved. An amateur athlete is one who engages in athletic competition solely for the pleasure, educational, mental, physical, and social benefits derived there from. Acceptance of gifts, gift certificates, and/or contracts to endorse products of any nature will jeopardize your amateur status.
Athletes may be dismissed from the team or have disciplinary action taken for any of the
they participate.
2023-24 Athletic Opportunities Report (TITLE iX)